V60 Brew - Washed Coffee

All recipes utilize filtered water at approximately 45ppm total hardness, with 92C – 96C water temperature, aiming for TDS of 1,32%

12,0g Coffee - 200g Water

1. Put the paper in your V60 brewer and give it a good rinse with hot water. It removes all paper taste and preheat the equipment

2. Remove the rinsing water

3. Grind size should be coarse enough to prevent the flow from choking, but fine enough to maximize extraction before harshness and astringency appear. Gently create a bird's nest / well in the dry coffee bed, being careful not to compact the grounds too much, tare your scale, start your timer

4. The pour structure at the following time:

- 00:00 pre-infuse the grounds, about 30g of water in 10s (pouring in a concentric circle. 

- 00:40 pour 50g of water in 10s in concentric circles  

- 01:10 pour 50g of water in 10s in concentric circle

- 01:40 pour 70g of water in 10s in concentric circle, shake gently. (this will break up any channels that may have formed during the pour, in addition to ensuring a flat bed and minimizing high and dry grounds)


Total brew time: 2:40 – 2:50 minutes