OREA Brew V3 - High-Water Ratio

Our OREA V3 utilize filtered water at approximately 60ppm total hardness, with 97C-99C water temperature, aiming for TDS of 1,32%

12,0g Coffee - 200g Water

1. Put the Kalita Wave paper in your brewer. Start pouring your hot water at the centre of your dripper base and then the trick is to wait a couple of seconds for your water to creep up and absorb towards the walls of the dripper. After this start pouring your water over the sides of your filter and you are ready to brew!

2. Remove the rinsing water

3. Grind your coffee beans. Add the coffee, tare your scale, start your timer

Washed - coarse (1000 - 1100 microns)

Natural - medium-coarse (900 - 1000 microns)

4. The pour structure at the following time:

a) 00:00 to 00:08 - 30g of water in 8s

saturate the grounds, pouring in a concentric circle. Grab the dripper and swirl (north-south) lightly to ensure the slurry is fully wet. 

b) 00:30 to 00:34 -  50g of water in 4s

high turbulence pouring in a concentric circle x 2   

c) 01:00 to 01:12 - 70g of water in 12s

low turbulence pouring in a centre

d) 01:40 to 01:44 - 50g of water in 4s

high turbulence pouring in a concentric circle x 2, shake gently. (this will break up any channels that may have formed during the pour, in addition to ensuring a flat bed and minimizing high and dry grounds)


Total brew time: 2:50 – 3:00 minutes